Saturday, April 15, 2017

Aliens Vs World War III

University of California Scientists:
'Camouflaged' Aliens Live Among Us

Scientists of the University of California came up with an unusual hypothesis suggesting that space aliens have long settled on Earth and lived among us as observers.

Risultati immagini per This is a Russian book on extraterrestrial races

Of course, there is no evidence of this, but according to ancient sources, including the Bible, our planet has been visited by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations since its inception.

In 2000 scientists of the University of California, led by Professor Jonathan Malkisom, held a press conference, during which the sensational news that representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations have long been among humans was reported. They adopted human appearance and closely monitor our every move.

“It’s like an extreme version of the camouflage found in some insects and animals. Moreover, according to historical records, there have been aliens on Earth from the beginning of creation,” says Adrian Kent of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada. 
A confirmation of the words of the Canadian scientist can be found in the Book of Genesis, at the point where the confrontation of Jacob with the Almighty is described:
“And Jacob remained alone; and a man wrestled with him until the rising of the dawn.” 
The ancient philosophers were always looking for the answer to the question whether beings arriving from the sky are members of the same tribe as the angels. But as a rule, the answer was no, since the arriving beings were mortal, while the angels live forever.

What do aliens want on Earth? 

There is only a hypothesis, which was suggested by British scientist Timothy Good in his book, Beyond Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Security Threat:
“The Earth is no longer an 'intermediate base.'

They have settled here for a good long time now.” 
In January 2011, British scientists announced the need to prepare for emergency meeting with an extraterrestrial civilization, and even suggested the foundation of a special committee at the UN.

Aliens Vs World War III?

With the threat of a third world war, we may wonder whether the aliens send us another 
warning as has happened before.

According to Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who passed away last year on February 4, 2016, 
aliens came to Earth during weapons tests at US missile bases and the famous White 
Sands Proving Ground in the New Mexico desert – where the world's first nuclear bomb 
was detonated in 1945.

Once again the aliens visited our planet to prevent a nuclear war between the US and 
the Soviet Union at the start of the Cold War.

Edgar Mitchell has spoken to many Air Force officers who worked at these silos during
the Cold War and they told Edgar that UFOs were frequently seen overhead and 
often disabled their missiles.

On Saturday October 23, 2010 some 50 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) 
were knocked offline by what the Pentagon calls a "communications malfunction” 
but it is more likely that the aliens were involved in the incident which affected 
roughly ten percent of the US ICBM nuclear arsenal for a period of about 45 
minutes at the Warren Air Force base in Wyoming.

Without going into details, everyone is aware of what is currently happening in 
and around North Korea and with tensions high there is certainly a great risk that 
it goes terrible wrong.

With World War 3 around the corner, the aliens will undertake a new attempt 
to keep us from going to war?

The Translated Russian Book 

Of Extraterrestrial Races

I think many of you will find this interesting.  This is a Russian book on extraterrestrial races 
that was transcribed into English.  It was originally written in 1946-47 and has been updated 
throughout the years
You’ll notice several common extraterrestrial races such as the Pleiadians, Zetas, Reptilians, 
and the Anunnaki with slightly different ways of spelling these races.
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

The book also mentions the Council of Five, which are five extraterrestrial races who are 
allegedly protecting the Earth and its inhabitants for millions of years. They realized that 
once the Anunnaki tampered with our DNA, we would eventually unite with other
 benevolent star families.
The Council of Five consists of the following extraterrestrial races: Orela, Egarot, Ginvo, 
Redan, and Emerther.
The Emerther are reportedly one of the most influential races and according to this book, 
they have met with President Dwight Eisenhower three times along with high ranking 
Soviet officials three times as well.  Apparently, they were interested in meeting with 
President Nixon, but Nixon was too paranoid about the possibility that the extraterrestrials 
could read his mind (and possibly his malevolent intentions).
The following is the story of how this book was found by Dante Santori and his Ukrainian 
friend, Pietro, who translated it together.  You can also find out more information about 
how this book was put together in the preface of the above book.

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