Friday, July 13, 2012



Coming soon the new book by Luca Falace

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(Project BlueStar ★ The Study of Extraterrestrial Phenomenon)
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Study and Research 
by dr. Luca Falace
Sincronia Simbolica e Mitologie Significative

Mitologia Sincronica dalla Creazione di Adamo alle Leggende Contemporanee:

Evoluzione dell'Uomo sulla Terra, Magna Mater, Etnie Aliene, 
Ere Geologiche, Datazione delle Ere secondo la Mitologia e la Scienza attuale, 
Atlantide, Mu, Lemuria, Agharti, Vimana, Vimans, Miti Antichi, 
Miti Contemporanei. Pleaidiani messaggi d'Amore, Aliens, Anunnaki, 
Nephilim, Giganti, Sumeri. Dai Miti antichi a quelli Contemporanei

Studio e Ricerche, dott. Luca Falace

Dr. Luca Falace




alien species



The Study of Extraterrestrial Phenomenon Research findings continues work of Studio dei Sincronismi Creativi by Dr. Luca Falace Dr. Luca Falace who is a learned scholar on extraterrestrial research.
 Dr. Luca Falace and other researchers (Staff LucArtStudio) base their findings, in part, on carefully collecting data, which includes well corroborated documented observations by contactees and "whistleblowers", as well as other documentation.  Humanity and the origins of the universe. Earth Humans having originated in the Lyra system of the universe. All Earth's languages are derived, from an ancient pre-Sumerian language. Pre-Sumerian language was spoken, in Lyra and in the Pleiades. The Pleiadians as well as other groups have left descendants on the Earth in the past. The Pleiadians, are also descendants of the Lyrans. The Pleiadians, are from a star system called Pleiades. This star system is a small cluster of seven stars located,
in the Constellation of Taurus. Are very similar in many ways to humans, beings on Earth, are spiritually more evolved than Earth humans. The Pleaidians, are very concerned about our misuse
for our sciences today on Earth. The Pleadian Message for Hmanity: The Well is Universal. The Intelligence is Universal. Good and Intelligence Universal
Study of Folk Beliefs of Extraterrestrial Civilizations From Ancient Myths to contemporary Research, Books and Works of Art Luca Falace
Alien, Ufo, Atlantis, Aliens, Human Evolution, Genetic Influence alien, 
Atlantis, Nephilim, Giants, Atlantis, Aliens, Human Evolution, Nibiru, Planet X, 
Alien Creature, Aliens, Anunnaki, Nephilim, Genetic Manipulation, Cherubim, 
Angels, ET, Grey, Summeri, 2012, New Age, 
© 2012 Luca Falace all rights reserved

The Nephilim – Fallen Angels or Alien Beings?

23 January 2012  |   Filed under: Paranormal Research  |   Posted by: 
The sons of the gods,  who came down from the heavens, to take the Daughters of Adam,  then plant their seed, to bear their children. . . .
I am not a Christian: I am a Unitarian Universalist. However, I do not feel that I need to be Christian to appreciate the worth of the Old Testament as a historical and cultural document, and to find the conclusions even some Christian writers are drawing from these stories of interest when combined with the research of people such as Stitchen and others.
Many people today have been looking at the stories of the Old Testament, and especially those of Creation and the time right after it, in a new light.
What was really going on in these stories of our origin?
There are creatures in the Old Testament stories of man’s early days who do not seem to be ordinary humans. The Bible calls them Nephilim.
Who Fathered the Nephilim?
In the 6th chapter of Genesis, this verse tells how the Nephilim came into being:
“Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose… The Nephilim were on the earth in those days… Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.-”Genesis 6:1-4
Who were the “sons of god” who took human wives and had children who became “mighty men of renown?’ Were they fallen angels, as many scholars and theologians have claimed, who broke God’s rule by coming to earth and having sexual relations with humans? Or were they, as others claim, a very pure race of humans who never married anyone outside their bloodline until some of them rebelled and took wives who weren’t so pure from the “daughters of men?”
There is a later passage in the New Testament, in Jude, that talks about angels who “left their own habitation…giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh…”
Suppose we substitute the word “heavenly beings,” or “heavenly messengers,” which are translations for the word angel. Now suppose these beings from the heavens that come down to earth and breed with earth women are aliens, that is, ancient astronauts from another planet? Is that possible?
Well, the word translated in the Bible as “Sons of God” can also be translated as “Sons of the Powers.” Another translation, according to Raymond E. Fowler, is “fallen-down-ones” because they fell from the sky. Fowler also says that “some scholars speculate that this tradition of giants born from the union of gods and humans formed the basis for the demigod of Greek mythology.”
Anyone familiar with the works of Stitchen and others should be seeing some familiar ideas now. Stitchen translated ancient Sumerian texts which talk about gods from another planet, who came to earth and created hybrid creatures, the union of alien gods and men.
More evidence for the idea that the Nephilim may have been the result of the marriage of aliens and humans can be found in the language of the ancient Aramaic people, where the word “Nephila” referred specifically to the constellation Orion, and Nephilim were the semi-divine offspring of Orion!

The Anunnaki and Nephilim

the creation
The Biblical verses dealing with the fashioning of The Adam are condensed renderings of much more detailed Sumerian and Akkadian texts, found etched on clay tablets, in which the role of the Elohim in Genesis is performed by the Anunnaki "Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came."  Inscribed in Cuneiform, the worlds first written language, these Sumerian tablets and cylinder seals have been available since the 1800's and are currently dispersed among many museums worldwide. 
  In his Earth Chronicles series, Zacharia Sitchin, an expert in ancient Semitic and Hebrew languages, offers the premise that mythology is the repository of ancient memory, the Bible is a historic and scientific document, and ancient civilizations were the product of knowledge given to the people by the Anunnaki.  In Sitchin's words, "The Anunnaki came to Earth some 450,000 years ago from the planet Nibiru, a member of our own solar system whose great orbit brings it to our part of the heavens once every 3,600 years. They came here in need of gold, with which to protect their dwindling atmosphere. Exhausted and in need of help in mining the gold, their chief scientist Enki suggested that they use their genetic knowledge to create the needed Primitive Workers.... to upgrade genetically the existing hominids, who were already on Earth through Evolution, by adding some of the genes of the more advanced Anunnaki."
  As outrageous as this sounds, Sitchin's interpretations do something that few religions are able to do... bridge the gap between creation myths and modern evolutionary theories. Having mapped the human genome and conducted genetic engineering ourselves, it is now plausible to consider that another race had fashioned us in a similar manner. This interpretation not only clarifies the origin of creation stories in many subsequent religions, but also solves the problem of the "missing link" which still plagues Darwinists to this day.
The Anunnaki and Nephilim
  The recovered records place the location of the Anunnaki laboratory where the first humans were said to have been literally produced in central Africa.  Indeed, Mitochondria DNA places the first homo-sapiens sapiens in the same time frame and location; in east central Africa just above their gold mines. 
In a lecture at New York University in 1993, Sitchin further outlined his theory about human origins and our link with the Anunnaki by saying, “Ancient history and legend around the world, as well as the Bible, attest to the fact that there were once giants in the earth; men of awesome dimensions, bulk and height.  In Genesis 6:1-4 we read, "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose... There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, that they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown".
The Book of Enoch, an ancient text discovered in Ethiopia in 1773 (and because of references to it in ancient Hebrew writings considered to be among the oldest manuscripts in existence) speaks about 200 angels who came down to earth to mate with the "daughters of man". Led by a high angel named Azazyel, the angels produced giant men.  During this strange occupation, Enoch writes that humans were taught to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, mirrors, jewelry, paints and dyes, make cosmetics, and use valuable stones. The people also learned sorcery, use of roots and plants for medicine, astronomy, astrology and other "signs", and the importance of the motion of the celestial bodies.

30 luglio 2010

Tre razze aliene

a cura della Redazione Ecco secondo i "contattisti" tre razze aliene che hanno visitato e visitano la Terra: NORDICI I Nordici dai capelli biondi e occhi azzurri con viso angelico, spesso sembrano emanare luce. Sono gli antichi "Anunnaki" sumeri? GRIGI I Grigi provengono da Zeta Reticuli, nel sistema di Orione. Dalla pelle grigia liscia e spessa, senza capelli e con grandi occhi neri. RETTILIANI  I Rettiliani provengono dalla Costellazione del Drago, per cui chiamati anche Draconiani. Dalla pelle squamata e dai freddi occhi da serpente.
Pubblicato da Anunnaki il 30.7.10

Does Planet X Exist? Is Nibiru Inhabited and Inbound?

A long time ago in the mists of prehistory, events happened on this planet that have come down to us concealed in legend, engraved in stone and written in ancient languages on clay tablets. Highly advanced civilizations have been here before us, just to be destroyed by some great global catastrophy. But for each that has died out another has taken its place with a selected few holding on to the memories and sacred knowledge of the past. Be prepared for a new paradigm, a different look at reality, as pieces of this ancient puzzle are snapped together. 

Getting some pretty decent rankings on Amazon, taking into account the millions of different titles they sell:
Akhenaten's queen Nefertiti remains the one of the most well known of the queens of Egypt.  The famous statue of Nefertiti, found in a sculptors workshop in Akhetaten, is one of the most immediately recognisable icons from this period of history. It has escaped the excesses of the Amarna artistic style, and survived the wholesale destruction of Akhenaten's monuments after his death. So why would the Egyptians depict their heads this way, if the heads didn't look like that???

Deformed skull on the left: 1100 cc internal volume; Inca period skull in center: 1200 cc; Paracas skull on the right; 1500 cc. And the brain filled in all that space...
Ayacucho skull interpreted by Mark Laplume...expands the possible ancient territory of Paracas...
This is one of the mysterious fossilized, extra-large-size humanoid skulls found in Africa in 2011. Although the external size and the brain cavity size of this skull are similar to those of the modern human, it is a
ctually 8 million years old. This means this humanoid is much older than any oldest skulls of humans on this planet, including Lucy (Australopithecus or AL 288-1, which is estimated to have lived 3.2 million years ago) or Ardi (the earliest known hominid date to 4.4 million years ago).
Foto: An amazing alien skull  This is one of the mysterious fossilized, extra-large-size humanoid skulls found in Africa in 2011. Although the external size and the brain cavity size of this skull are similar to those of the modern human, it is actually 8 million years old. This means this humanoid is much older than any oldest skulls of humans on this planet, including Lucy (Australopithecus or AL 288-1, which is estimated to have lived 3.2 million years ago) or Ardi (the earliest known hominid date to 4.4 million years ago).  Currently, this mysterious skull has been investigated at 25 major universities and research centers around the world, including Coney Island University in Brooklyn, New York. Also, one of the many strange facts about this humanoid remain is that the skull contains extremely large amounts of iridium (560 times more than Ardi), which is a very common substance found in meteors from the outer space. (14.25 x 8 x 6 inch)
Currently, this mysterious skull has been investigated at 25 major universities and research centers around the world, including Coney Island University in Brooklyn, New York. Also, one of the many strange facts about this humanoid remain is that the skull contains extremely large amounts of iridium (560 times more than Ardi), which is a very common substance found in meteors from the outer space. (14.25 x 8 x 6 inch)
Foto: The latest by Mark Laplume. I am back in Paracas for a few days and will update you with the latest Paracas Elongated skull findings. Thanks for your interest!

The latest from Lloyd Pye re. DNA: I am sending him teeth from some elongated skulls in order to be able to do both C-14 and DNA sampling at the same time. Any donations recieved from you for this goes directly to the research: latest by Mark Laplume. I am back in Paracas for a few days and will update you with the latest Paracas Elongated skull findings. Thanks for your interest!
Foto: The latest from Lloyd Pye, as in 12 hours ago:  Met with the geneticist this past weekend. Very much looking forward to having more to work with. He's confident the coneheads are something special because they are proving so difficult to work with. That was the same process with the Starchild. If it doesn't respond to the standard "human" recovery techniques, you know you have something.
The latest from Lloyd Pye, as in 12 hours ago: Met with the geneticist this past weekend. Very much looking forward to having more to work with. He's confident the coneheads are something special because they are proving so difficult to work with. That was the same process with the Starchild. If it doesn't respond to the standard "human" recovery techniques, you know you have something.
I am very happy to announce that a donation has come in from Australia of 700 US to assist in the upcoming NEW DNA and C-14 testing of the Paracas Elongated skulls. This brings the total to 1000 US. If we receive 1100 US more, we can do 3 good proper samples. 
Not begging for money, just asking for active involvement with the cause:

Massive megalithic slabs at Machu Picchu mixed in with much smaller stone constructions. Hugh Newman should get a kick out of this, since his company is called Megalithomania!

Another photo of the bay elongated skull, photos of which went around the world a few months ago. According to Lloyd Pye: Foto: Mock up of what the "alien human hybrid" skull found near Cuzco Peru may have looked like (I have my doubts.) Over to you Mark Laplume. Video uploading at

It looks typically conehead to me, no more or less than the others, apart from being smaller. Could have been with a dwarf body for all we know. The eyes are certainly human/conehead like, and they have slight brow ridges. This one does have cranial plates that have not fused at the "soft spot," indicating less than two years old in human terms. So the thing to keep in mind here is, as you've noted somewhere else, these people were born that way, and the females carried them to term with those outsized heads.

Mock up of what the "alien human hybrid" skull found near Cuzco Peru may have looked like (I have my doubts.) Over to you Mark Laplume. Video uploading

Mysterious Elongated Skulls Of Paracas Peru

APRIL 12, 2012 BY  1 COMMENT
Four hours drive south of Lima Peru lies the Paracas Peninsula, part of which is an ecological reserve, where one can see wildlife such as sea lions, and a myriad of various sea bird species. The area is amazingly rich in seafood, and abundant fresh water exists just below the surface of the desert sands.
Therefore, it would seem to be a perfect place for people to live. Stone tools, of various forms and styles of shaping have been found in the area, and cursory analysis has established dates of as old as 9000 years. The greatest of Peruvian archaeologists, in my estimation, Julio Tello, made studies in this area from 1925 to 1928 and performed excavations on the north side of the peninsula, in the central area of the large semi-circular bay. Here he discovered and excavated a massive and elaborate graveyard, where each tomb contained an entire family, every person being ornately wrapped in multiple layers of highly stylized, woven and coloured cotton cloth mixed with alpaca wool from the highlands. He also found the sand filled remains of subterranean houses, which turned out to be numerous; so much so that they comprised a village of between 1 and 2 km length, along the shorefront, and must have boasted a population of several hundred people.
But, the most amazing finds were the skulls, some enormously elongated. The scientific name for this is dolichocephally. Most skulls exhibiting this condition were clearly the result of the practice of head-binding, also called cranial deformation. And so how was this achieved?
A very young child’s skull is pliant at birth, and remains in this way for months. It is therefore possible, by lashing a rope around the head, with a board placed at the back of the skull, and perhaps the front as well, to alter the shape of the head over time. Many authors state that the time period to perform this shaping was about 6 months to 3 years, but since the practice is no longer performed to my knowledge, no one really knows. Examples of this technique, supposedly last performed on infants in the Congo of Africa and the Island of Vanuatu in the south Pacific Ocean area known as Melanesia, well into the 20th century, have also been found in Egypt, during the Amarna period (as in Akhenaten, Nefertiti and Tutankhamen,) Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Russia, the island of Malta, as well as many places in Peru and Bolivia, and amongst the Olmecs of Mexico.
What you are capable of doing via this technique is to change the shape of the skull, but not the actual volume. And this is where the Paracas skulls become especially intriguing. Three distinct shapes of not necessarily elongated, but altered skulls have been found in the area, and each seems to be unique to a particular “grave yard of nobility.” As in many societies, those of the royal bloodline, and of high spiritual positions, were not buried in the same vicinity as “commoners.
One type, found only in a burial place called Cuchilla, displays the most obvious signs of having been “flattened” in the front, producing a much longer forehead than is normal. Comparison of this with a “normal” skull, such as in the photos below, show this to be the case. The other skulls, from other graveyards, are a very different matter. Those that are commonly referred to as “cone heads” are not only larger, in terms of overall volume and thus possibly cranial capacity, but the bone material is much thicker than the Cuchilla and “normal” specimens. And they too are only found in three specific cemeteries, each grave accompanied by rich pottery, ornate textiles, and in a few cases gold ornaments; clearly the final resting places of noble people. To suggest that the natural elongation was the result of hydrocephaly, so called “water on the brain”  or some other clinical condition is ridiculous, when one takes into account that  so many of them were found by Tello, as many as 300, and no one knows how many others are still under the earth, in private collections, or gathering dust in museum warehouses in Peru, and beyond. Hydrocephaly would tend to make the skull expand evenly, making them more rounded than elongated, looking, graphically, like beach balls. Where did the Paracas come from and when? Tello believed that the Paracas were related to the people of the Chavin culture, who created the famous megalithic site of Chavin de Huantar, mainly based on the fact that he saw similarities in pottery designs and motifs, especially feline figures. However, to my knowledge, no elongated skulls have been found in the area where the Chavin lived, north of Lima in the Ancash district, so that clearly is not the answer as to their origins. But, since Tello was the expert and main archaeologist at Chavin, where he placed an origin date of approximately 3000 years ago, he then simply applied this for the Paracas as well, and no one has dared or bothered to refute his time line until now. The Paracas people, living by the coast, were clearly fishermen, as evidenced by netting which has been found buried in the sand, as well as ancient middens, which are heaps of sea shells. No actual and extensive carbon 14 dating has been performed on the organic matter of the archaeological sites, and this was certainly not done by Tello, as his work was performed in 1928, whereas carbon 14 dating was not established until the 1940s. Also, very little work has been done at Paracas since the time of Tello, and so the subterranean houses have once again filled up with sand. It seems evident, although unproven at this time, that the Paracas may be the descendants of an earlier culture that were sea farers. They made sandals from sea lion skin, and I personally have found whale bones inland at ancient village sites. Sr. Juan Navarro of the Paracas History Museum has indicated to me that the Paracas people hunted sperm whales, which are highly intelligent animals, and would take amazing skill to overtake and kill on the open ocean. It is therefore possible that not only did they produce boats large enough o carry sufficient people to conduct a whale hunt, but they may also have had sails. Evidence that points in this direction includes the presence of totora reeds growing along the coastline, and this plant has been found in the archaeological record dating back at least 9,000 years. Totora is native to Lake Titicaca, which is inland from the coast by about 700 km, therefore, it is logical that it was brought to the coast on purpose. This plant has been used by the Native people of the lake area for millennia in the construction of very efficient and lightweight boats, and I therefore infer that the Paracas could very well have made their fishing craft from it. Cotton too is found in abundance, and is native to the area, having been found in tombs covering the dead, and makes excellent light weight sail cloth. The site of Cerro Colorado, which was the burial place of the priestly and ruling class of Paracas people, located across the main road which takes visitors through the ecological reserve, is strictly forbidden to visit. This is mainly due to the fact that huaqueros, or grave robbers, have been looting these locations since at least Tello’s time, mainly looking for clay pots, gold and silver figurines, and the finely woven fabrics which the Paracas are famous for having made. Mr. Juan Navarro, owner and director of the Paracas History Museum, has a fine collection of artefacts from all of the cultures known and believed to have lived in this area, including the Paracas, Nazca, Wari, Chincha and Inca. Amongst his displayed collection of stone implements and clay pots I noticed an elongated skull when I first visited the museum early in 2011. Upon inquiring as to its age, he stated that he is a firm believer of the time line set forth by Tello, that the skull could possibly be 3000 years old, and not more recent than 2000. That is because the prevailing theory is that the Paracas people died out as a culture at about 200 AD, the result of mixing with the Nazca, who had arrived at approximately 100 BC.
Cleopatra emerges from sands, seas of time. A diver stares down a black granite sphinx believed to represent Ptolemy XII, Cleopatra’s father. Archaeologists found the sphinx during excavations in the ancient harbor of Alexandria.
Archaeologists discovering the fabled remains of Alexandria, Egypt
Around 3,500 years ago, due to dramatic climate change, the Aryans living around the Black sea set about migration from both sides of the Caucasus Mountains. Many poured into the southern plains and settled at the foot of Zagros Mountains at the Iranian plateau. Part of the Achaemenid Dynasty established by King Darius about 515 BC, the magnificent ruins of Persepolis lie about 650 km south of the present capital city of Teheran, Iran.
The ancient Sumerians believed that blue eyes were a sign of the gods (statues from 3rd millenium BC)
In 1940, four tribes of Arizona Indians, the Navajos, Papagos, Apaches, and Hopis, banned the use of their ancient traditional swastika symbol from all designs in their basket weaving and blanket making.

The name Iran is a modern cognate of “Aryan,” meaning “lands of the Aryans.” In Antiquity, Behistun, which means 'place where the gods dwell', was the name of a village and a remarkable, isolated rock outcrop along the Silk Road that connected the capitals of Babylonia and Media, and Ecbatana (modern Hamadan). It was where Darius the Great proclaimed his military victories and Aryan lineage. The c
uneiform (which Darius calls Aryan script) reads: " I am Darius, the great king, king of kings, the king of Persia, the king of countries, the son of Hystaspes, the grandson of Arsames, the Achaemenid... That is why we are called Achaemenids; from antiquity we have been noble; from antiquity has our dynasty been royal... an Aryan, from the Aryan race."
In Ethiopia, there are the most peculiar churches in the world near the village Lalibela. Carved out of solid rock, legend has it that they were built by angels armed with masonry tools.

Are you sure you were taught the true native american history in school?
The Guanches were the very last Indo-European type people to live in the Stone-Age, mummify their ancestors, and build pyramids. Now extinct, they were native to the Canary Islands in the Atlantic ocean, a genetically isolated strand of Cro magnon. The Museum on the island today boasts the world's largest collection of Cro magnon type Guanche skulls.
“The Aurignacians or Cro-Magnons, the first Atlantean wave in Europe, were exceptionally tall, sons of the gods indeed, the male height averaging 6 ft. 7 in. . . . They were fair in pigmentation, and probably had blue or brown eyes, like the Guanches of the Canaries... Anthropologists at once remarked upon the extraordinary height and brain-capacity of the newly found Cro-Magnon race. Broca noted that the brain-content of the skull of a Cro-Magnon woman surpassed that of the average male of to-day." - Lewis Spence (1924)   
Sungir/Sunghir is an early Upper Paleolithic archeological site located 192 km from Moscow; radiocarbon dated to around 30,000 BP. These ancient Caucasoids were decorated with thousands of mammoth-ivory beads, originally sewn onto cloth! Notice the remains of the beaded cap on one of their heads. The image to the left is an artist's recreation.“About Atlantis — some continent was submerged away back, or some large body of land, for practically all peoples have legends about a flood. And the Cro-Magnons appeared suddenly in Europe, developed to a high state of primitive culture; there is no trace to show that they came up the ladder of utter barbarism in Europe. Suddenly their remains are found supplanting the Neanderthal Man, to whom they have no ties of kinship whatever. Where did they originate? Nowhere in the known world, evidently. They must have originated in some land which is not now known to us.” (Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard, p. 237)
 Since Cro Magnon was first discovered in 1868, he has presented fundamental puzzles for traditional scientists. Cro Magnon appeared abruptly in Europe and North Africa around 35,000 years ago, his culture fully developed, from no discernable origin, distinctly superior to others around him. This could be seen clearly in the nature of his tools, art work, agriculture, clothing, domesticated animals, and sea-faring capability during the last ice age. 
Cro Magnon artifacts from the Ice Age site at Mezin in the Ukraine considered at least 12,000 years old, the actual layer for the artifacts could be as old as 17,000 BC. Figurines carved from mammoth ivory are inscribed with earliest known swastikas, an equal-arm cross, some having a serpent-symbol spiral attached to the tip of each arm.
We know he was tall and had a big brain, but have you ever wondered what Cro-magnon man actually looked like? Lucky for us, one did leave his self portrait carved into a mammoth tusk dated to 20,000 years BEFORE the time of the Sumerians. How exactly did this Rh negative branch of humanity arrive on the WESTERN shores of Europe?

A detail of King Tut's 'Hunting Box' showing a young Pharaoh leading his chariot army as he vanquishes his Nubian enemies. Behind the king, foot soldiers march in rows, and three Nubian slaves shield the king from the sun with fans. Above the king, the long black bar represents the hieroglyph for the sky, and a row of hieroglyphs proclaim: "The perfect god, the image of the Sun rising over foreign lands, like Re when he appears, crushing the vile land of Kush, shooting his arrows agains his enemies." Tut's blue-eyed family were Hyksos ("foreign rulers"), but it's not the only, or most famous, name they are remembered as in history/religion.Khaldi was one of the three chief deities of Ararat (Urartu). Of all the gods of Ararat panthenon, the most inscriptions are dedicated to him.

In 1894 the Indian astronomer, Sri Yukteswar, wrote that the cause of the moving equinox (precession) was the result of our sun’s orbit around another star, estimating the orbit period at 24,000 years. This is, of course, is the same concept as Plato's Great Year, as well as the Maya Long Count calendar. The cross, as well as its cardinal points, are of great importance in astrology (astro-theology), the essence behind the ancient "Swastika" and misunderstood in most of today's religions. - Robert Sepehr
Lamassu, Pergamon Museum, Berlin.
The name Cyrus is a Latinized form derived from a Greek form of the Old Persian Kurus. The ancient Greeks noted that Cyrus was named from Kuros, the Sun, interpreted as meaning "like the Sun". Iran means "land of the Aryans".
And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. (Revelation 4:7)
The 25th of December is celebrated by most of those in the Western Hemisphere as the birth of Jesus Christ. But Mithra, also known as Mithras, the Persian equivalent of the Messiah, was also said to be born on this date, as was the OLDER Zoroaster, as well as the EVEN OLDER Zarathustra. This date in ancient days was called the "Birthday of the Unconquered Sun". The swastika or "wheel of Mithra (Sun/Fire)", is the oldest Aryan, or Proto-Indo-European/Iranian, symbol or cross.Amazing St. George Church carved from solid rock in the shape of a cross and referred to as the "Eighth Wonder of the World", located in Lalibela, one of Ethiopia's holiest cities. The stone churches are said to have been built by "angels". - Robert

The snake diety of the Maya was Kukulkan ("Plumed Serpent", "Feathered Serpent"). In Peru this god was called Amaru and the territory known as Amaruca. Amaruca is literally translated “Land of the Serpents". The name of America was derived from Amaruca, instead of after the explorer Amerigo Vespucci.
After years of controversy, archaeologists using genetic testing have proven that Caucasians roamed China's Tarim Basin 1,000 years before any East Asian people arrived. The tall, blonde, mummies had "swastika" decorations etched on a helmet. It is interesting to note that this "swastika" PREDATES the arrival of the symbol to India, and predates the Sanskrit language itself, which was brought INTO India during the Aryan invasions, which also introduced the Horse and Chariot to India, familiar to the Aryan stories, but NOT native to India.
In the late 1980′s, perfectly preserved 4,000-year-old mummies began appearing in remote Chinese deserts near massive ancient pyramids. They were unusually tall, had long reddish-blond hair, and didn't appear to be the ancestors of modern-day Chinese people. Archaeologists now think they may have been the citizens of an ancient civilization of blue-eyed Aryans that introduced Buddhism to the east.
Thailand is the only country in SE Asia that has managed to escape European colonialism, which might also explain their lack of post WW2 propoganda and politically correct indoctrination regarding human history. For example, in that part of the world, Buddhism's ORIGINAL Aryan roots are not covered up as in the west. China, however, still hides their caucasian mummies, pyramids, etc.
Heliopolis, the City of the Sun. The history of settlement in the area of Baalbek dates back no less than 9,000 years, with evidence of almost continual settlement under the Temple of Jupiter, there since the pre-Hellenistic era. Here is a panoramic view of the Great Court of the Baalbek temple complex, on the bottom left (below the men) are massive 800 ton stones used in the most ancient construction.
Microscopic inspection of the roots of Ramesses II's hair proved that the king's hair was originally red, which suggests that he came from a family of redheads. This has more than just cosmetic significance: in ancient Egypt people with red hair were associated with the god Seth, the slayer of Osiris, and the name of Ramesses II's father, Seti I, means "follower of Seth."
  The Etruscan God Ixion, predates Christianity by 400-500 years, was often depicted crucified on a solar wheel    The Aztec solar deity Quetzalcoatl, depicted crucified on an equal armed cross This bishop has a swastika on his hat; he sits in the ruins of a cathedral destroyed by Nazi bombs.
Ancient Coin showing Christ on the cross, in human form on the front, in snake form on the reverse. Gnostics believed that Jesus Christ should be represented as a snake.. in the context that the serpent in the garden of Eden was the giver of illumination and knowledge, instead of the now orthodox view that the serpent is evil. Crosses and serpents were once equated with pagan, or indo-european (aryan), sun mythology... globally.
 These astrological signs, though condemned by the prophets, were widely used as decorative elements in both churches and synagogues of the Byzantine period. The twelve signs are arranged in a circle and accompanied by their Hebrew names. In the center of the zodiac, the sun 
god Helios is represented seated in a chariot drawn by four horses. The four seasons appear in the corners of the panel in the form of busts of winged women wearing jewels; they are inscribed with the Hebrew months initiating each season: Nisan (spring), Tamuz (summer), Tishri (autumn) and Tevet (winter).
The historical Buddha was born as prince Siddhartha Gautama about 2560 years ago, to a royal family in what is now Northern India. The texts describe him as tall, strong, and blue-eyed. According to most scholars, the original Indus Valley civilisation was abruptly interrupted sometime around 3,600 years ago by an invasion of the Aryans. Many of the Aryan principles still dominate "orthodox Indian philosophy" and present-day Hinduism; such as the Vedic scriptures and the supremacy of the Brahmic class (origins of the caste-system).

History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon. - Napoleon Bonaparte
There was once an advanced dark-skinned Dravidian civilization. However, during a time of dramatic "climate change", India was penetrated and civilization re-introduced by Blue-eyed Indo-Europeans (Aryans) from Central Asia around 1600BC on horses/chariots. Something similar happened in Egypt, around the same time, by blonde sun-worshippers with horses/chariots, but they were called Hyksos (Egyptian "foreign rulers").. before that Egypt was ruled by red-heads. History, along with ORIGINAL Buddhist philosophy, has been corrupted by a politically correct cult with global influence.
Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha's physical appearance is described upon the Buddha's first post-Enlightenment return to his former princely palace in the Pali devotional hymn, Narasīha Gāthā ("The Lion of Men"). Among the 32 main characteristics it is mentioned that Buddha has blue eyes.
A tall Tocharian mummy with red-blond hair; his clear Caucasian features still visible after 4,000 years in his desert grave in China. To his right is a swastika decoration found on his helmet recovered from the grave sites. The swastika was part of the original Indo-European (Aryan) language, which PRE-DATES the word "swastika" itself, as well as the CURRENT meanings attributed to it such as "noble", "well being", "good luck", etc
Of all of the countries whose ancient histories were affected by the ancient Aryan Invasions, India was one of the most impacted.
British astronomer William Crabtree, depicted observing the 1639 transit of Venus in a mural at Manchester Town Hall, painted in 1903 by Ford Madox Brown.
The Days of the week are named for the ancient gods/planets. There are 5 planets visible to the naked eye from the earth, plus the sun and the moon, that make up the pantheon of 7: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.
"You remember only one deluge, though there have been many.You and your fellow citizens are descended from the few survivors that remained, but you know nothing about it because so many succeeding generations left no record in writing. the change in the rising and setting of the sun and the other heavenly bodies, how in those times they used to set where they now rise, and used to rise where they now set" - Critias by Plato
Helios/Apollo/Sol Sun-god
According to James Churchward, some 25,000 years before the common era Mu had been a Pacific Ocean rival to Atlantis, with its northern reach just beyond Hawaii and southern boundary between Easter Island and Fiji. Before its destruction from a volcanic explosion and rising sea levels, Mu was said to be home to as many as 64,000,000 people.
There appears to have been a blonde, or red-haired, racial element amongst the leadership of the Arabic peoples, from the very earliest times. The Prophet Muhammad (AD 570-632), the founder of the Islamic religion, was apparently fair-skinned [Guillaume (1987)]. “Red-hair is still honoured amongst Moslems as the Prophet Mohammed himself was reported to have red hair.” [von Schwerin (1960)]. The use of henna to dye the beard is practised today for this reason.This painting from a Mayan tomb illustrates their social order, the same as the basic four-caste system of India, including the king (Rajah) on top. Below the king and by level are the Noble caste of the Priesthood, the Military caste, the caste of Merchants and Craftsmen, and at the bottom the Peasants or Commoners. This type of social organization is often associated with the original Aryans (Proto-Indo-European/Iranian)
What happened to the original Maya?

In Cambodian legend, the Naga were a "serpent" race of beings who possessed a large empire or kingdom in the Pacific Ocean region. The Naga King's daughter married the king of Ancient Cambodia, and thus gave rise to the Cambodian people. This is why, still today, Cambodians say that they are "Born from the Naga".
The Mayan Tablet of the Cross - Temple of the Sun, Palenque, Mexico. 
"Giant Prehistoric Mummy Found in California Cave". That is the headline from this newspaper article in the Oct 6, 1895 Sunday edition of The World which shows the size of another mummy that was allegedly found in a cave in San Diego.Mummies of King Tutankhamun’s family have been mutilated, their heads ripped off and destroyed, during the recent turmoil in Egypt. The two priceless mummies vandalized at the Egyptian museum were those of Yuya and Tjuya, which recent DNA tests identified as King Tut's great-grandparents. Yuya has also been identified as the biblical Joseph, and their daughter, Tiye, became the Great Royal Wife of Amenhotep III. Fortunately, photos and DNA results remain.
Archaeologist Hector E. Mejia claims that the head sculpture in this photo, taken in southern Guatemala in the 1930s, dates back to "between 3500 and 5000 B.C." and is evidence of a superior pre-Mayan civilization. He points out that the “elongated cranium” and “fine characteristics” of the sculpture are not consistent with pre-Hispanic races of America, and therefore must have been “created by an extraordinary and superior civilization with awesome knowledge of which there is no record of existence on this planet.”
The mummies of King Tutankhamun’s great-grandparents have had their heads ripped off as a result of the recent turmoil in Egypt, those of Yuya and Tjuya, which recent DNA tests identified as King Tut's great-grandparents. Though vandalized and suppressed by ages of ignorance and corruption, the true history of ancient Egypt will re-emerge once again.
BREAKING UPDATE... 'ALIEN' LOOKING MONUMENT... IS REAL ITS PART OF THE LONG AWAITED 2012 'ALIEN' MAYA DOCUMENTARY It is not only identical looking to the Moai which many have said when the image was made viral last year... but there is much more... The film makers say its near a set of pyramid ruins... and its not far from the Maya site of Tikal that also carries an alien message...
Foto: BREAKING UPDATE... 'ALIEN' LOOKING MONUMENT... IS REAL ITS PART OF THE LONG AWAITED 2012 'ALIEN' MAYA DOCUMENTARY  It is not only identical looking to the Moai which many have said when the image was made viral last year... but there is much more... The film makers say its near a set of pyramid ruins... and its not far from the Maya site of Tikal that also carries an alien message...
Easter Island
Baalbek, Lebanon. BaalBeck means Sun Temple. This massive stone (thought to be the heaviest in the world) weighs over 1,000 tons. It was partially taken out of its quarry to be taken up to the Sun Temple, where other similar large stones are. But for some reason the whole effort was aborted. There is no evidence of how these stones were moved.
Critias (428 - c.347 BCE): "in mind you are all young; there is no old opinion handed down among you by ancient tradition, nor any science which is hoary with age. And I will tell you the reason of this: there have been, and there will be again, many destructions of mankind... this has the form of a myth, but really signifies a declination of the bodies moving around the earth and in the heavens, and a great conflagration of things upon the earth recurring at long intervals of time"
Great Ziggurat of Ur
Central American style step-pyramids found on Canary Islands 
Just about 35,000 years ago, a taller, more powerfully built, more rugged man suddenly “invades” the western shores of Europe and North Africa. This RH Negative, large-brained man is dubbed Cro-Magnon. The terms Cro-Magnon and Modern Man are used as if they were synonymous, whereas strictly speaking they are not. All Cro-Magnons are Modern, but all Moderns are not Cro-Magnon.The Bible tells of giants called Nephilim before and after the Flood. The nephilim were presumably destroyed in the Flood, but further giants are reported in the Torah, including the Anakites, the Emites, and, in Joshua, the Rephaites. The Bible also tells of Gog and Magog, who later entered into European folklore, and of the famous battle between David and the Philistine giant Goliath.

There is an ongoing dispute as to when the horse was domesticated. The mainstream notion is that the Old European cultures never used the horse as anything but food, and certainly did not domesticate it prior to 5500 BC.  
and there were Giants in those days...  Heliopolis at Baalbek - The upper stone re-constructions were done by the Romans, but the lower 1000 ton stone bricks forming the original foundation... nobody knows. (a ton is 2000lbs)
    The temple was re-constructed several times in the last several thousand years. The original (lowest part) was most impressive as you can see and involved the largest stones.
notice the man standing under
   one of the 1000 ton stones they used back before man supposedly knew about the wheel
The Biblical verses dealing with the fashioning of the Adam are condensed renderings of much older Sumerian creation myths, found etched on clay tablets, in which the role of the Elohim in Genesis is performed by the Anunnaki.
Victory Stele of Naram-Sin, he was the first Mesopotamian king to claim divinity for himself.. Zecharia Sitchin is using this on the cover of his latest book about giants.. notice the body size? Look close, how many Sun's do you see? Interesting indeed.
The gods complain that they need assistance. At his mother N
ammu's prompting, he directs her in the creation of man from the heart of the clay.. Several flawed versions were created before the final version was made. ("Enki and Ninmah: The Creation of Man", Kramer 1963 pp. 149-151; Kramer 1961 pp. 69-72)
nice necklace! that solar cross sure did get around in pre-christian times.. that's what the diffusionists say, anyway
Sumerian solar deity Tammuz, two-beamed cross
The worlds oldest love poem.
Sumerian Cuneiform for "Love"
This amazing piece of ancient art once decorated the Mayan Temple at Tikal. It shows a man in a boat escaping from a land that is sinking into the ocean. A drowning man can be seen and a volcano erupts as a pyramid collapses into the water. Discovered and photographed by a German archeologist, it was taken to Berlin, but unfortuanately destroyed there during WW2. -  Mayan relief at Tikal in Guatemala, It may portray the events that caused the Maya’s ancestors to flee their legendary homeland of Aztlán. It shows an erupting volcano sinking into the ocean, a crumbling temple-pyramid, the creation of tidal waves, someone fleeing in a boat, and a person drowning.
Tag: Atlantis
"...A remarkable series of several dozen European-style stone tools, dating back between 19,000 and 26,000 years, have been discovered at six locations along the US east coast.."
    Easter = Ishtar
  This cro magnon cave art is 32,000 years old. Now you tell me, was this bull painted here as part of a hunting ceremony (as is the conventional interpretation), or could this be the first known depiction of Taurus - the constillation of the Pleiades?
A Sumerian cylinder seal (Ur III style), showing a goddess (Inanna) picking fruits from the sacred palm tree. In ancient Sumer it was not the apple tree that was sacred and special, but the palm. This could be part of the origins of the forbidden fruit episode in Genesis.  Understanding Egyptian hieroglyphs was based on the trilingual Rosetta Stone, while that of cuneiform writing relied on the trilingual Behistun inscription, which was found on a cliff face in western Iran (engraved with three forms of cuneiform: ancient Persian, Babylonian, and Elamite).
Planet X Nibiru and the Anunnaki 

What is more intriguing about the Sun Gate at Tiwanaku is not the fact that it is huge, and of one piece of broken stone, but that a symbol occurs there, on the left and right at the bottom, of a door with a double lintel. This is the only repeating symbol at Puma Punku, and is almost a "maker's mark." Puma Punku is not a place, but a time period I think, which I shall discuss in an article in Atlantis Rising magazine soon.  The latest artistic rendition by Mark Laplume. He has made more than 400 drawings so far...
Father Carlos Crespi was a Silesian-monk who lived in Ecuador. He did missionary work among the Indian population in remote valleys during his lifetime. Crespi received or bought many artifacts from the indigenous people in Ecuador. 
The Canary islands in the Atlantic were once inhabited by a mysterious race, which left mummies and step pyramids, called the Guanches. It’s generally accepted that these fair-skinned people originally came from north Africa and were possibly Berbers although a more romantic version is that they were descended from Atlas himself, explaining why they were a tall, muscular and beautiful race.
Poseidone re diAtlantide e padre di Venere
La cosiddetta "Dama di Elche", ritenuta da alcuni una principessa di Atlantide.busto in pietra ritrovato a Elche, in SpagnaImage and video hosting by TinyPic

Japan’s Underwater Pyramid

Ever since Plato told a story about an advanced civilization that vanished into the sea to amuse his guests at a party, people have been looking for evidence of Atlantis. Any underwater find that looks like an old stone building brings up the subject of Atlantis again, at least in the tabloids.
japan pyramid 01 Japans Underwater Pyramid picture
Underwater rock formations resembling a pyramid found off Yonaguni Jima Island in the Ryukyu Islands of Japan may represent the Asian version of Atlantis according to Masaaki Kimura, a marine geologist at the University of the Ryukyus in Japan.
On the other hand, Robert Schoch, a professor of science and mathematics at Boston University claims “It’s basic geology and classic stratigraphy for sandstones, which tend to break along planes and give you these very straight edges, particularly in an area with lots of faults and tectonic activity.”
The Japanese government has taken a hands-off approach, leaving the arguments to the academic community to make a determination as to whether the formation is man-made or natural.
In the meantime this will become an underwater tourist attraction to rival the Bimini Road as a controversial ancient man-made ruin or natural rock formation.
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The British geologist Colin Reader said, after years of study, the head of the Sphinx was originally remodeled, presenting an entirely different appearance earlier, namely leonine face. It is a theory that had already been put forward by the Egyptologist John Anthony West heretic over ten years ago but until now had never enjoyed the support of science. Colin Reader has analyzed the erosion of the fence and the traces on the body of the Sphinx, as well as use of an architectural historian, Dr. Jonathan Foyle, who said that the proportions between the statue's head and body are excessively out fee, too far out to be a deliberate act on the part of Egyptian builders, always so clear from the earliest dynasties.
So the head would be reshaped and its original appearance, the body being that of a lion, thing were to be this animal. According to experts, who participated in the production of the documentary The Secrets of Egypt, the fact that the statue had been made ​​whole aspect lion is not surprising since for Egyptian predynastic a strong symbol of power. Reader's conclusion is that the Sphinx is, therefore, much older than you think, even though it retains a more cautious than his American colleague Robert Schoch. Recall that Robert Bauval showed that the Sphinx points to the east, where the sun in 10,500 BC stood right at the spring equinox in the constellation of Leo.
Il geologo britannico Colin Reader ha affermato, dopo anni di studi, che la testa della Sfinge è stata anticamente rimodellata, presentando tutt'altro aspetto in precedenza, vale a dire volto leonino. Si tratta di una teoria che era stata già avanzata dall'egittologo eretico John Anthony West oltre dieci anni fa ma che mai sinora aveva goduto del supporto scientifico. Colin Reader ha analizzato l'erosione del recinto e le tracce sul corpo della Sfinge, oltre ad avvalersi di uno storico dell'architettura, il Dr. Jonathan Foyle, il quale ha affermato che le proporzioni tra la testa della statua e il suo corpo sono eccessivamente fuori canone, troppo fuori per essere un atto deliberato da parte dei costruttori egizi, sempre così precisi fin dalle primissime dinastie. 

Dunque la testa sarebbe stata rimodellata e il suo aspetto originario, essendo il corpo quello di un leone, doveve essere quello di quest'animale. Secondo gli esperti, che hanno partecipato alla produzione del documentario The Secrets of Egypt, il fatto che la statua fosse stata realizzata con intero aspetto leonino non deve sorprendere essendo per gli egizi predinastici un forte simbolo di potere. La conclusione di Reader è che la Sfinge è, dunque, molto più antica di quanto si pensi, anche se mantiene una linea più cauta rispetto a quella del suo collega americano Robert Schoch. Ricordiamo che Robert Bauval ha evidenziato come la Sfinge punti ad est, nel punto in cui il sole nel 10.500 a.C. sorgeva all'equinozio di primavera proprio in corrispondenza della costellazione del Leone.  
The Anunnaki and Nephilim
The recovered records place the location of the Anunnaki laboratory where the first humans were said to have been literally produced in central Africa. Indeed, Mitochondria DNA places the first homo-sapiens sapiens in the same time frame and location; in east central Africa just above their gold mines.
In a lecture at New York University in 1993, Sitchin further outlined his theory about human origins and our link with the Anunnaki by saying, “Ancient history and legend around the world, as well as the Bible, attest to the fact that there were once giants in the earth; men of awesome dimensions, bulk and height. In Genesis 6:1-4 we read,
"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose...
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, that they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown".
The Book of Enoch, an ancient text discovered in Ethiopia in 1773 (and because of references to it in ancient Hebrew writings considered to be among the oldest manuscripts in existence) speaks about200 angels who came down to earth to mate with the "daughters of man".
Led by a high angel named Azazyel, the angels produced giant men. During this strange occupation, Enoch writes that humans were taught to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, mirrors, jewelry, paints and dyes, make cosmetics, and use valuable stones.
The people also learned sorcery, use of roots and plants for medicine, astronomy, astrology and other "signs", and the importance of the motion of the celestial bodies
giant from times past
Because of this conditioning and training through the educational system as well as the entertainment and news media, those hiding the truth have a very powerful tool: Denial. And often they don’t have to employ it directly; like rats trained by electrical shock, you jump to attention and deny the truth when it’s presented to you. Years of conditioning with the electric shock of scorn and derision have taught you to do this. You not only do the work of hiding the truth, because of your conditioning you may even humiliate those who would bring the truth to you.
This conditioning has filtered through the educational system for centuries, so that today’s scientists, doctors, and historians are likewise victims to it. As I will document in this book, when confronted with the truth of history, artifacts, or fossils, they have learned to shut out the facts from their minds through their educational conditioning.
Or if that truth is too strong to ignore, then they may hide it from site and attempt to forget. Because if they do not, they will quickly become the object of scorn and derision from their peers, with a quick trip to unemployment as one of the “kooks” or “nut cases” that are today full of similar men who attempted to have an open mind and register their second thoughts or reservations about the dogma of lies which they had been taught.
Thus denial is the first tool trotted out. It is the typical “educated response” when a researcher, newsman, or scientist is presented with anomalous evidence and findings that don’t fit neatly into the category of "containment." And likewise today’s academia is comprised of individuals living in intellectual boxes of dishonesty.


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Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Sigillo in pietra rappresentante gli Anunnaki
Nella mitologia sumerica il termine Anunna, poi reso in akkadico come Anunnaki/Anunnaku, indica l'insieme degli dèi sumeri, e più tardi assiro-babilonesi.
Essi erano costituiti in un'assemblea, presieduta da An, dio del cielo. Tale assemblea si componeva dei sette supremi, di cui facevano parte i quattro principali dei creatori (AnEnlilEnki,Ninhursag), con l'aggiunta di InannaUtu e Nanna e di 50 dei minori, detti anche Igigi.



L'interpretazione ufologica di Zecharia Sitchin [modifica]

Exquisite-kfind.pngPer approfondire, vedi la voce Zecharia Sitchin.
Secondo Zecharia Sitchin gli Anunnaki sarebbero degli alieni provenienti da Nibiru, un pianeta del nostro sistema solare. Secondo questa tesi avrebbero avuto un ruolo importante nella veloce evoluzione della civiltà umana e in particolare di quella sumerica. I signori provenienti da Nibiru, sin dall'antichità, sarebbero scesi sulla Terra per sfruttare le risorse minerarie del nostro pianeta. Quando il pianeta Nibiru giunse nel punto della sua orbita più vicino alla Terra fu inviata una prima spedizione di esseri viventi capeggiata da Enki, un nome che ricorre spesso nella mitologia dei Sumeri. I luoghi scelti furono la Valle del Nilo, la Valle dell'Indo e la Mesopotamia.
Diverse critiche sono mosse a Sitchin, tra cui quella di fondare la sua teoria sulla traduzione generalmente errata sia di singole parole, sia di porzioni di testo. Quando Sitchin elaborò la sua teoria e pubblicò i primi testi, il Sumero era una lingua ancora poco comprensibile[senza fonte] e nota solo a pochi specialisti. In seguito alcune pubblicazioni di massa, come il Sumerian Lexicon[1], ne hanno diffuso la conoscenza e permesso di verificare la traduzione di Sitchin[2][3].

Note [modifica]

  1. ^ Sumerian Lexicon: A Dictionary Guide to the Ancient Sumerian Language John A. Halloran, 2006, The David Brown Book Company
  2. ^ Zecharia Sitchin
  3. ^ What's in a Shem?

Bibliografia [modifica]

  • Gwendolin Leick, A Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Mythology, Routledge, New York, 1998.
  • J. Bottéro - S. N. Kramer, Uomini e Dèi della Mesopotamia, Einaudi (I Millenni), Torino, 1992.
  • G. Pettinato, Mitologia sumerica, UTET, Torino, 2001.
  • G. Pettinato, Mitologia assiro-babilonese, UTET, Torino, 2005.

Collegamenti esterni [modifica]

Voci correlate [modifica]

mitologia Portale Mitologia: accedi alle voci di Wikipedia che trattano di mitologia

Zecharia Sitchin

Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Zecharia Sitchin
Zecharia Sitchin (Baku11 luglio 1920[1] – New York9 ottobre 2010) è stato uno scrittore azero naturalizzato statunitense. È stato autore di molti libri di divulgazione sulla cosiddetta archeologia misteriosa o pseudoarcheologia, ed è un sostenitore della "teoria dell'antico astronauta" come spiegazione dell'origine dell'uomo. Le controverse teorie di Sitchin, basate sulla sua personale interpretazione dei testi sumeri, sono considerate pseudoscienza dalla comunità scientifico-accademica, ma registrano un buon seguito nell'ambito della letteratura popolare[senza fonte].
Egli attribuisce la creazione dell'antica cultura dei Sumeri ad una presunta razza aliena, detta Nefilim (in ebraico) o Anunnaki (in sumero), proveniente dal pianeta Nibiru, un ipotetico 9º pianeta del sistema solare dal periodo di rivoluzione di circa 3600 anni presente nella mitologia babilonese.
Sitchin afferma anche che in corrispondenza della fascia principale degli asteroidi del sistema solare si sarebbe trovato anticamente un pianeta che i Sumeri chiamavano Tiamat, che sarebbe previsto dallaLegge di Titius-Bode.
Il punto di vista di Sitchin non è supportato da alcuna prova scientifica, e la sua teoria personale non viene considerata attendibile per via dell'assenza di prove a sostegno, sia dal punto di vista linguistico che dal punto di vista scientifico.
Le teorie di Sitchin andrebbero secondo alcuni nella categoria del creazionismo non-religioso, ma lo stesso Sitchin riporta nei suoi testi nozioni di Evoluzione teistica, sebbene egli sostenga che l'uomo sarebbe a suo dire frutto di esperimenti di ibridazione genetica con specie terrestri condotti da alieni.
Sempre secondo Sitchin il nostro pianeta è originato dallo scontro tra il pianeta Marduk e il pianeta Tiamat, questo secondo lui spiegherebbe la disposizione delle terre emerse. A seguito di questo scontro Tiamat-Marduk si sarebbero originati Ki (la Terra - che sarebbe stata proiettata nella sua attuale orbita), alcune comete e la fascia principale degli asteroidi.



Biografia [modifica]

Sitchin nacque a Baku, in Azerbaigian, nel 1920, e in seguito si trasferì in Palestina, dove avrebbe appreso il moderno e l'antico ebraico e altri linguaggi europei e semitici. Lì conobbe anche il Vecchio testamento e l'archeologia del vicino oriente.
Dopo essersi laureato in storia economica alla London University, tornò in Israele dove lavorò come giornalista e editore, per poi trasferirsi a New York dove visse fino alla morte avvenuta il 9 ottobre 2010.
I suoi libri sono stati tradotti in diverse lingue, e anche convertiti in linguaggio Braille per i non vedenti e trattati in radio e televisione.
Sitchin dichiarava che le sue ricerche coincidessero con molti testi biblici, i quali a loro volta, a suo dire, avrebbero tratto origine da scritti sumeri.

Le idee [modifica]

Secondo l'interpretazione data da Sitchin della cosmologia sumera, il sistema solare avrebbe un decimo pianeta (in realtà Sitchin intitola il suo primo libro "Il dodicesimo pianeta" poiché il termine sumero e babilonese per "pianeta" è lo stesso che descrive tutti i corpi celesti - MUL -, e quindi contando anche il Sole e la Luna, il sistema solare sarebbe composto di 12 MUL), che seguendo un'orbita ellittica rientrerebbe nel centro sistema una volta ogni 3600 anni. Secondo Sitchin, questo ipotetico pianeta, chiamato "Nibiru", nella mitologia babilonese sarebbe associato al dio Marduk, dal XVIII secolo a.C. divinità principale della terra di Babilonia.
Sitchin affermava che Nibiru avrebbe avuto un impatto catastrofico con un altro ipotetico pianeta, chiamato Tiamat e posto tra Marte e Giove. L'impatto avrebbe creato il pianeta Terra e la fascia degli asteroidi. Tiamat sarebbe stato dapprima colpito da una delle 7 lune di Nibiru, spezzandosi in due. Una di queste due porzioni sarebbe poi diventata la Terra e sarebbe stata spinta nell'attuale posizione da un altro impatto con una luna di Nibiru. In seguito l'altra metà, colpita da Nibiru stesso, avrebbe dato vita alla fascia degli asteroidi. I restanti detriti dell'impatto avrebbero dato origine alle comete.
Sitchin affermava che questa teoria spiegherebbe perché la geografia terrestre avrebbe la peculiarità di avere più continenti su un lato rispetto all'altro.
Secondo Sitchin, su Nibiru abitava una razza tecnologicamente avanzata e simile a quella umana, questi esseri erano chiamati Anunnaki dalla mitologia sumera e che compaiono nella Bibbia col nome di Nephilim ed Elohim. Secondo Sitchin sarebbero arrivati sulla terra 450.000 anni fa, alla ricerca di minerali e in particolare d'oro (che necessitavano per riparare la loro atmosfera rarefatta) e lo avrebbero trovato in Africa.
Gli Anunnaki avrebbero creato geneticamente l'Homo Sapiens incrociando la loro razza con l'Homo erectus, con lo scopo di avere della manodopera per prelevare metalli dalle miniere. Sotto la guida di questi esseri, secondo l'interpretazione che Sitchin dà dei testi sumerici, gli uomini avrebbero fondato la civiltà in Mesopotamia, in Egitto e in India, grazie ad una casta di regnanti che avrebbero fatto da intermediari tra gli alieni e gli schiavi.
Sitchin poi affermava che nel 2024 a.C. sarebbe scoppiata una guerra nucleare tra diverse fazioni di extraterrestri e che la ricaduta nucleare (fallout), sarebbe il "vento malvagio" che avrebbe distrutto non soltanto la città di Ur, secondo quanto sarebbe raccontato nel Lamento di Ur, ma avrebbe avuto ripercussioni su quasi tutta la Mesopotamia[2]. Sitchin sostiene che le sue ricerche spiegherebbero numerosi passi di testi biblici.
Un altro punto focale della teoria di Sitchin è il ruolo attribuito alle maggiori opere megalitiche sparse per il globo, che sarebbero state costruite dagli Anunnaki con varie funzioni, prevalentemente astronomiche, astrologiche e calendariali. Altri due siti,Machu Pichu e Bad-tibira, sarebbero stati centri di lavorazione dei metalli. Sitchin sostiene anche che le civiltà mesoamericana e sudamericana siano derivate da quella sumera e accadica, e che le due divinità principali messicane e peruviane,Quetzalcoatl e Viracocha fossero due Anunnaki (Ningishzida e Ishkur) trasferitisi con alcuni Sumeri e Africani nel nuovo continente.

La posizione della comunità scientifica [modifica]

Quando Sitchin elaborò la propria teoria e pubblicò i primi testi, il Sumero era una lingua già ben conosciuta[3]. In seguito, grazie anche ad alcune pubblicazioni di massa come Sumerian Lexicon[4] si può verificare la correttezza della traduzione di alcune singole parole e di alcune porzioni di testo, che risultano per lo più errate [5][6].
Lorenzo Verderame, docente di assiriologia dell'università di Roma "La Sapienza", ha dichiarato in proposito:
« Nel mondo accademico non vi è alcuna considerazione dei lavori di Sitchin ed il suo nome, quale autore di opere pseudo-scientifiche, è pressoché sconosciuto. A prescindere dalla generale chiusura degli ambienti accademici, non esistono lavori di Sitchin che possano ritenersi scientifici, per varie ragioni. Sitchin, come altri autori del genere, costruisce le sue teorie sulla traduzione di passi e non sull’interpretazione del testo originale.[7] »
La visione di Sitchin della "collisione planetaria" sarebbe una rielaborazione superficiale di una teoria presa concretamente in considerazione in Astronomia, tuttavia ciò che prospetta Sitchin ne diverge sia nei dettagli che nei tempi.
Sitchin basava le proprie argomentazioni sulla sua personale interpretazione dei testi sumerici e sull'interpretazione del sigillo sumerico denominato "VA 243". Questo antico popolo avrebbe avuto conoscenza di 10 pianeti, mentre in realtà essi ne conoscevano solo 6 (Mercurio, Venere, Terra, Marte, Giove, Saturno)[8]. Centinaia di sigilli e calendari sumerici sono stati decodificati e il numero di pianeti che ognuno di essi indica è di 5 (Terra esclusa). Sul sigillo VA 243 ci sono 12 puntini che Sitchin interpreta come pianeti. Una volta tradotto, sul sigillo VA 243 si legge Dio Ilat (o Ili-Ilat), (ecco) Dubsiga, il tuo servo. Per lo studioso Michael S. Heiser, il cosiddetto sole sul VA 243 non sarebbe un sole ma una stella, così anche i puntini rappresentano delle stelle [8][9]. Analoghe posizioni sono state espresse da Immanuel VelikovskyErich von DänikenAlan F. Alford e Laurence Gardner

Note [modifica]

  1. ^
  2. ^ (ENSito personale di Zecharia Sitchin - The case of the evil wind
  3. ^ Si ricordi che la grammatica di A. Poebel, Grundzüge der sumerischen Grammatik, per alcuni aspetti ancora oggi attuale, benché ovviamente nel complesso superata, risale al 1923.
  4. ^ Sumerian Lexicon: A Dictionary Guide to the Ancient Sumerian Language John A. Halloran, 2006, The David Brown Book Company
  5. ^ Zecharia Sitchin
  6. ^ What's in a Shem?
  7. ^ Le civiltà mesopotamiche, Zecharia Sitchin e Nibiru – Intervista esclusiva al Prof. Verderame « Archeologia « – La ConoScenza Condivisa
  8. ^ a b The Myth of a 12th Planet in Sumero-Mesopotamian Astronomy: A Study of Cylinder Seal VA 243 by Dr. Michael S. Heiser
  9. ^ The Myth of a 12th Planet: A Brief Analysis of Cylinder Seal VA 243 by Michael S. Heiser

Bibliografia [modifica]

  1. Il pianeta degli dei, Milano, Edizioni Piemme, 1983, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2006, ISBN 8827209271ISBN 8838430543ISBN 8838443688ISBN 8838481075ISBN 8838479410 (The 12th Planet, New York City, HarperCollins, 1976).
  2. Le astronavi del Sinai, Milano, Edizioni Piemme, 1998, 2001, 2004, ISBN 8838440298ISBN 8838448124ISBN 8838481083 (The Stairway to Heaven, New York City, Avon Books, 1980).
  3. Guerre atomiche al tempo degli dei, Milano, Edizioni Piemme, 1999, ISBN 8838443947 (The Wars of Gods and Men, New York City, Avon Books, 1985).
  4. Il codice del cosmo, Milano, Edizioni Piemme, 2010, ISBN 9788838469527 (The Cosmic Code, New York City, Avon Books, 1998).
  5. Gli dei dalle lacrime d'oro, Milano, Edizioni Piemme, 2000, ISBN 9788856622102 (The Lost Realms, New York City, Avon Books, 1990).
  6. Gli architetti del tempo, Milano, Edizioni Piemme, 2005, ISBN 9788856625141 (When Time Began, New York City, HarperCollins, 1993).
  7. L'altra Genesi, Milano, Edizioni Piemme, 2006 (Genesis Revisited: Is Modern Science Catching Up With Ancient Knowledge?, New York City, Avon Books, 1990).
  8. La Bibbia degli Dei, Milano, Edizioni Piemme, 2007 (Divine Encounters: A Guide to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries, New York City, Avon Books, 1995).
  9. Il libro perduto del Dio Enki, Milano, Edizioni Piemme, 2004 (The Lost Book of Enki: Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial god, Bear & Company, 2001).
  10. Spedizioni nell'Altro Passato, Milano, Edizioni Piemme, 2005 (The Earth Chronicles Expeditions, Bear & Company, 2004).
  11. L'ultima profezia, Milano, Edizioni Piemme, 2010 (Journeys to the Mythical Past, Bear & Company, 2007).
  12. Il Giorno degli Dei. Il passato è il nostro futuro, Milano, Edizioni Piemme, 2009, ISBN 9788856612592 (The End of Days: Armageddon and Prophecies of the Return, New York City, William Morrow and Company, 2007).
  13. Quando i giganti abitavano la terra, Firenze, Macro Edizioni, 2010 (There Were Giants Upon the Earth: Gods, Demigods, and Human Ancestry: The Evidence of Alien DNA, Bear & Company, 2010).
  14. Le cronache terrestri rivelate - I segreti del passato sono la chiave del futuro, Milano, Edizioni Piemme, 2011, ISBN 9788856617832 (The Earth Chronicles Handbook, Bear & Company, 2009).

Voci correlate [modifica]

Altri progetti [modifica]

Stanze dal Libro di Dzyan

Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Le Stanze dal Libro di Dzyan[1] costituiscono l'argomento principale del primo e secondo volume de La dottrina segreta (The secret doctrine), opera di teosofia in due volumi pubblicata nel 1888 da Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.



Le Stanze di Helena Blavatsky [modifica]

La parte I del primo volume, intitolata Cosmogenesi, contiene sette stanze[2] in versi ermetici e simbolici composte dalla Blavatsky, per ognuna delle quali l'autrice dedica, successivamente, un capitolo di commento in cui spiega i suoi stessi versi. Il secondo volume intitolato Antropogenesi ne contiene altre dodici, sempre seguite da un commento e da una interpretazione.
Come esempio del linguaggio ermetico utilizzato dalla Blavatsky, viene riportata di seguito la prima stanza del primo volume:
« 1. - L'Eterna Genitrice, ravvolta nelle sue Vesti Eternamente Invisibili, era rimasta sopita ancora una volta per Sette Eternità.
2. - Il Tempo non era, poiché giaceva addormentata nel Seno Infinito della Durata.
3. - La Mente Universale non era, poiché non vi erano Ah-hi per contenerla.
4. - Le Sette Vie alla Beatitudine non erano. Le grandi Cause del Dolore non erano, perché non vi era alcuno per produrle ed esserne preso.
5. - Solo Tenebre riempivano il Tutto illimitato, poiché Padre, Madre e Figlio erano nuovamente Uno; ed il Figlio non si era ancora destato per la nuova Ruota e per il suo Pellegrinaggio su di essa.
6. - I Sette Sublimi Signori e le Sette Verità avevano cessato di essere e l'Universo, Figlio della Necessità, era immerso in Paranishpanna, pronto ad essere esalato da ciò che è, e tuttavia non è. Nulla era.
7. - Le Cause dell'Esistenza erano state abolite; il Visibile che fu e l'Invisibile che è, riposavano nell'Eterno Non-Essere-l'Essere Uno.
8. - Sola, l'Unica Forma di Esistenza si stendeva illimitata, infinita, incausata, nel Sonno Senza Sogni, e la Vita pulsava inconscia nello Spazio Universale, attraverso quella Onnipresenza che è percepita dall'Occhio Aperto di Dangma.
9. - Ma dov'era Dangma quando Alaya dell'Universo era in Paramartha, e la Grande Ruota era Anupadaka? »
(La dottrina segreta, opera citata, pag. 85)

Il manoscritto del Libro di Dzyan [modifica]

Le Stanze sarebbero state composte dalla Blavatsky interpretando il linguaggio iconografico di un presunto manoscritto tibetano molto antico, il Libro di Dzyan (anche Dzan o Dzyn[3]), che sarebbe servito come base sapienziale per La dottrina segreta.
La Blavatsky descrive il manoscritto, di cui avrebbe avuto visione diretta, come un testo antico di migliaia di anni redatto in lingua Senzar[4] e conservato in un luogo segreto del Tibet. Scritto «su foglie di palma, ma rese inalterabili al fuoco, all'acqua e all'aria mediante qualche processo specifico ignoto»[5], il libro tratterebbe della cosmogenesi e dell'evoluzione dell'uomo fino alla distruzione di Atlantide.
Altri versi attribuiti al Libro di Dzyan sono stati pubblicati da Alice Bailey in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire nel 1925.
Del Libro di Dzyan non è stata fornita alcuna fonte originale né esiste alcuna citazione anteriore alla pubblicazione della Blavatsky o esterna alla saggistica esoterica afferente o meno a movimenti teosofici[6]. Al di là delle interpretazioni fornite della Blavatsky, la completa mancanza di riscontri di questo manoscritto originale così come della misteriosa lingua pre-sanscrita in cui sarebbe stato redatto, rende dubbia la sua reale esistenza. Nel 1993, la teosofista Sylvia Cranston (pseudonimo di Anita Atkins) avanzò l'ipotesi che i versi delle stanze fossero interamente una creazione originale[7] della Blavatsky negando, conseguentemente, l'esistenza del manoscritto.
David Reigle, un orientalista affiliato alla Società Teosofica, reputa, invece, il manoscritto connesso ad un testo del Buddhismo Vajrayana, il Kalachakra Tantra. L'esoterista inglese Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke ha suggerito, nel 2006, che la fonte di ispirazione delle stanze andrebbe ricercata nel Taoismo cinese e nella Cabala ebraica.

Il Libro di Dzyan nella narrativa e nel fumetto [modifica]

Il Libro di Dzyan ha avuto una certa fortuna narrativa. È citato nei racconti horror-fantasy Il diario di Alonzo Typer[8] e L'abitatore del buio - scritti entrambi da Howard Phillips Lovecraft nel 1935 - come uno dei testi alla base dei miti di Cthulhu al pari del famoso Necronomicon; come tale viene ripreso dallo scrittore August Derleth[9] e, successivamente, da tutte le edizioni del gioco di ruolo Il richiamo di Cthulhu della Chaosium.
Nel libro Flyng saucers - Serious business (1966) dell'ufologo statunitense Frank Ewards, viene citato il Libro di Dzyan che conterrebbe, secondo l'autore, la narrazione mitizzata dell'arrivo sulla Terra, in un remoto passato, di un gruppo di alieni. Gliextraterrestri vennero accolti come divinità dagli abitanti di una città del luogo, ma divergenze successive avrebbero condotto una parte del gruppo a trasferirsi in un altro insediamento. Sorse un conflitto e il gruppo originario annientò la città avversaria facendo uso di armi simili a quelle nucleari, ma in seguito, colto da rimorso per la devastazione compiuta, abbandonò il pianeta per non fare mai più ritorno.
In Alone in the Dark del 2001, un fumetto tratto dalla famosa serie di videogiochi omonima[10] ispirata ai miti di Cthulhu, il Libro di Dzyan viene considerato il lascito di un'antica razza di alieni vissuta milioni di anni prima nell'Antartide similmente allaGrande razza di Yith descritta da Lovecraft.
Il libro fa parte anche della bibliografia utilizzata dall'autore di fumetti italiano Luca Enoch per Gea.
Sul Libro di Dzyan è incentrato l'albo a fumetti L'uomo che inseguiva le ombre (Storie da Altrove n. 11 - ottobre 2008).

Note [modifica]

  1. ^ La dottrina segreta volume I, opera citata, pag. 81. Pur essendo chiara la distinzione ne La dottrina segreta, viene fatta, talvolta, una certa confusione dagli autori successivi fra i versi composti dalla Blavatsky (le stanze) e il presunto manoscritto (il libro) la cui interpretazione dei simboli contenuti avrebbe ispirato la composizione delle stanze. Reputando, infatti, le stanze una traduzione del Libro di Dzyan viene utilizzato da questi autori il termine incorretto di Stanze di Dzyan per riferirsi sia all'opera della Blavatsky sia al presunto manoscritto originale.
  2. ^ Per stanza si intende in metrica, una strofa o una sezione di un poema o di una canzone.
  3. ^ DzyanDzan o Dzyn in lingua senzar (v. nota successiva per senzar). In "The Theosophical Glossary" (1892), la Blavatsky offre un'ulteriore grafia alternativa (Dzen) e correla il nome ai termini sanscriti dhyan e jnâna (saggezza, conoscenza divina) e al tibetano Dzin (insegnamento) Fonti: H. P. Blavatsky, The Theosophical Glossary , The Theosophical Publishing Society, 1892; G. de Purucker, Grace F. Knoche et alii, Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary , Theosophical University Press Online Edition, 1999.
  4. ^ Si tratterebbe, secondo la Blavatsky, di una lingua asiatica misteriosa basata su logogrammi e antecedente il sanscrito, ma intelligibile, tuttavia, a qualunque iniziato alle discipline esoteriche.
  5. ^ La dottrina segreta volume I, opera citata, pag. 63.
  6. ^ Non sempre coincidenti con la Società Teosofica fondata originariamente dalla Blavatsky e altri nel 1875 a New York e la cui sede attuale si trova a Chennai in India.
  7. ^ The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, opera citata, pag. 384.
  8. ^ Si tratta di uno dei racconti scritti a pagamento da Lovecraft per conto terzi; in questo caso per William Lumley che gli inviò la trama del racconto poi sviluppata liberamente dallo scrittore di Providence.
  9. ^ Che oltre a ampliare la complessa mitologia dell'universo lovecraftiano, fonda nel 1939 l'Arkam House, la storica casa editrice che si occuperà, assieme alla Necronomicon Press, della pubblicazione dell'intera opera di Lovecraft.
  10. ^ Alone in the Dark della Infogrames.

Bibliografia [modifica]

  • Helena BlavatskyLa dottrina segreta volume I e II, Edizioni Teosofiche Italiane, Vicenza 1997
  • Sylvia Cranston, HPB. The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Tarcher/Putnam, New York 1993
  • Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Helena Blavatsky, North Atlantic Books Berkeley 2006
  • Howard Phillips LovecraftTutti i racconti. 1931-1936, Mondadori Milano 1992
  • David e Nancy Reigle, Blavatsky's Secret Books , DeVorss Pubblications 1999

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